
King Tabernacle Christian Church



Our Core Value

King Tabernacle is a Bible believing congregation, that’s built upon the Revelation of Jesus Christ through an End-time Message delivered by Malachi 4, Revelation 10 vs 7.

Since 1985, the leadership of the Holy Spirit has been the main drive and vision to prepare a Bride for the Rapture. We believe in the Message of The Hour delivered by the Prophet William Marrion Branham, and the principles of what the Word of God declares to this end time generation.

We are a non-denominational church that strives to manifest the Stature of a Perfect Man (2 Peter 1 vs 3 – 8), and that we prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the prophet of God has said: “We have no law but love, no creed but Christ, and no book but the bible.”



Our Leadership

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